Award Nomination – Solution Saturday Literacy Conference 2018

Nominate a school, administrator, educator, tutor or other individual for their work in the dyslexia community to receive one of the following awards at Solution Saturday on October 6th, 2018.

IDA-IN School Leadership– The Indiana Branch of the International Dyslexia Association would like to acknowledge a school that has made efforts to improve the quality of education for students with dyslexia.  Let us know what efforts the school has made in serving students with dyslexia.

IDA-IN Lifetime Achievement Award– The Indiana Branch of the International Dyslexia Association would like to acknowledge someone who has devoted their life to improving the quality of education for students with dyslexia and other related difficulties.  This person should have a long history of making a difference in the lives of people with dyslexia. This nominee may have made contributions to the field in areas such as instructional practices, education policy, advocacy, and awareness.

IDA-IN Outstanding Dyslexia Educator– The Indiana Branch of the International Dyslexia Association would like to acknowledge an outstanding educator of students with dyslexia. The award recipient will have demonstrated excellent results in teaching students with dyslexia in a classroom, small group, or one on one setting.   This individual has helped students with dyslexia achieve success in the classroom and in life.

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